Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg...
Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg... -- Cynthia Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
eDrek ®

09/20/2020, 13:25:52
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Well, I'm pretty stunned by RBG's death, although it should not have been a surprise. I had no idea of her strength to be able to carry on as she did for so long.

I'm sure I'm going to get some flak for saying this and maybe I'm being selfish, but I wish RBG had resigned when Obama was President so that he could have appointed someone. Of course, Obama would have needed the approval of Mitch McConnell just like he needed it for Merrick Garland (yeah, right).

But, what we face now with Trump about to get his third conservative SCOTUS justice for life is 40 to 50 years of conservative rulings from SCOTUS. To me that is unacceptable. All the "progress" that has been made to create a more just and fair America can easily be thrown out the window including Roe v. Wade, Obamacare pre-existing conditions, voter rights, anti-gerrymandering, racial equality, gender equality, gay rights, legal marijuana and all of that stuff that we grew up wanting to see happen. It could all be gone forever. And most of us are getting old enough where these changes might not affect us because we'll be dead, but I feel for the younger generation who will suffer the judicial oppression under these white conservative justices.

And who knows how this choice of a new justice could affect the upcoming election. Again, the SCOTUS might be called on to decide the election like in 2000.

And if Trump wins in 2020 and he has SCOTUS on his side who knows what that might mean.

Ok, maybe if two more GOP Senators join Murkowski and Collins then we might get a nominee provided by Joe Biden if he wins the election.

And if the Repubs force their selection through before the election and have a majority in the Court then maybe if the Dems win strongly enough then they can extend SCOTUS to 11 justices and appoint two liberal justices under a Biden presidency if he wins.

Certainly, the worse outcome is that Trump get re-elected. It seemed almost, but not quite certain that Hillary would win in 2016, but anything can happen. That's for sure!

And I do like Quirky's concept of 'nodal points' because certainly we are at such a place now. Who could have imagined all this shit we're going through now? All of it! It's like a bad dream, a bad acid trip that just never quits.

Ok, that's my two cents.

Rest in peace, RBG, and thank you for all that you've done for this country.

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