Re: 13, what were you going to do with all those trees?
Re: 13, what were you going to do with all those trees? -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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13 ®

09/15/2020, 12:42:27
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The most valuable trees are the fruit and nut trees and vines, about 30 species. They're nearly all ok. Some I have lots of, like 120 pomegranates, some just a few and some singles, like pineapple guava. I have peaches ,plum, apricots and many myrobalan. These last have nice plums themselves, but they seem to do particularly well here, so I'll probably use most as rootstock for the other stone fruit.

Then there are support trees, that fix nitrogen and feed the fruit trees, or provide shelter from the wind or sun. Italian alder, black locust, mimosa. And then there are hedging plants to provide shelter, create structure increase diversity. It's these that I planted as bare roots that mostly died.

The pasture in the middle of the valley is where I'm planting, but I'm also leaving intact much of the pasture where the wild flowers are most prolific. 

I hope it'll end up as some kind of park where the a lot of good food available.

I doubt the trees will compensate for the driving here as regards climate change, but in the long run it should help.

But mostly I just like the place. I hope to add useful trees without wrecking the biodiversity that is already here. The next few weeks I intend to spend on the tractor, digging a pond, for the salamanders in particular and dragonflies and the rest.

It might end up like a park, but full of nature and good food. 

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