that's sort of an answer, Jim!
Re: Assuming that's so, that's not the same thing -- Jim Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

11/14/2017, 00:03:55
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Thanks!  I don't believe you said that at the time, and I must have missed any subsequent discussions.  I didn't know Richard Dawkins had gone soft on Christianity too.  Well I haven't, I see it as a false enslavement of the soul, a mirage of brotherly unity that needs an enemy to unite against.  

I take the point of a belief in Christianity being a defence against the predations of Islam but it's like an arms race.  We'd be better off to de-escalate, imo.  I don't think we can afford it any more.

Race and religion have become so intermingled in so many countries, I don't believe it is pragmatic any more - I know what it's like, I live in Australia but I was born in England and it would be awful if they weren't allies.

Just to stray off point - it seems to me that when England ditched it's favourable trade deals with Australia and New Zealand in favour of the Common Market that's when the tickets were bought for the Brexit woes of today.  well it's obvious really, wouldn't be wanting to leave it if hadn't joined it in the first place.  I don't know who was responsible for it, who profited from joining the Common Market but right from the start the cost of food went up and the quality of the butter went down, I remember that.  I was young at the time and I just knew we'd ratted somebody out but it wasn't til I came over here that I realised who it was.  There was a lot of poverty in New Zealand and rather fascinatingly in the long run it has served them well as they are well situated compared to most places now.  Meanwhile here on the news due to the trade talks in Asia we see Malcolm Turnbull's face all the time.  It's not a pretty sight.  He's so darned happy, I mean he can't keep the smile off his face, the delight off his brow - he looks like a man who has received more than he could possibly have imagined.

so back to the Dark Ages, eh Jim.  Let's whip up some good old fashioned religious fervour to keep the country fighting fit.  Maybe the Pope will take it back about Hell and the Devil not being real - get that added incentive again.

Modified by lesley at Tue, Nov 14, 2017, 00:23:49

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