How Jim uses WHATABOUTISM to derail discussions
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eDrek ®

11/13/2017, 09:59:31
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I remember DCCultMember making a post awhile ago and all he said was 'WHATABOUTISM'.  I wondered what that was all about.  Anyway, I know now what it means.  See below a link to Wikipedia (yes, I know we all hate Wikipedia, but the definition and history seem valid.)

Of interest is this:

Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.
And here is a little bit from the section on Donald Trump:
When criticized or asked to defend his behavior, Trump has frequently changed the subject by criticizing Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Affordable Care Act. When asked about Russian human rights violations, Trump has shifted focus to the US itself, employing whataboutism tactics similar to those used by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called Putin a killer, Trump responded by saying that the US government was also guilty of killing people. Garry Kasparov commented to Columbia Journalism Review on Trump's use of whataboutism: "Moral relativism, 'whataboutism,' has always been a favorite weapon of illiberal regimes. For a US president to employ it against his own country is tragic."
So, what does WHATABOUTISM have to do with our little forum here?

Well, at this point I'd say WHATABOUTISM has everything to do with this forum, especially by Jim.  Heck, even Pat D did one in his post titled 'woods & trees' where he goes off to discuss Saudi Arabia.  The topic was Trump claiming he believed Putin's denial of election meddling.

But, Jim takes WHATABOUTISM to a new level in practically every thread.  Just take a look and it's so obvious.  'What about Hillary' or 'Hillary is going to jail'.  It's everywhere.

I just wonder if Breitbart has an online training course where Jim honed this technique.  Again, the frequency of Jim's Whatboutism is astounding.

Wikipedia's definition of WhatAboutism

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