Re: multiculturalism
Re: Re: multiculturalism -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

10/30/2017, 13:33:11
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I live in a part of England where non-white faces are few & far between, so maybe I'm not the best person to judge the state of race relations here. It seems to me though that they are far better than anyone could've predicted 40 yrs ago.

Whether that's because of multiculti & legislation I don't know, but I suspect not so much. When I was young, half-caste kids, as we used to call them, were as rare as albinos. Now mixed race young people are so common as to be unremarkable. Something changed around 20 or so yrs ago, & whatever it was I reckon it probably had more to do with proximity over time than anything else.

The real problem is the Muslims. They mostly aren't interested in integration, & watch out any girl who wants to strike up a relationship with whitey. Their culture is based on a religion of subjection & domination, which very unfortunately is on the wax rather than the wane.

I don't have a solution, but I do know that refusing to recognise the problem & labelling anyone who does as racist or islamophobic is not going to improve anything.

If a grip isn't got on this I wouldn't be surprised in the future to see armed conflict in Europe, the weaponry supplied to 'populists' by the Russians, who have their own dog in this fight.

As for here, we'll probably allow them to set up a parallel state, with all opposition to it crushed by the criminalisation of language.

I really hope I'm wrong.

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