Re: Bye bye, and thanks for all the fish
Re: Re: Bye bye, and thanks for all the fish -- 13 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

10/25/2017, 15:33:08
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yes, I like the Englishness and the bright clear air.  It's a staggeringly large piece of land and not so expensive - mostly forest I think, and mostly steep unusable land.  I don't know if you pay a large rates bill or not or what responsibilities you might face but the road would be expensive to maintain.  But where there is an old settlement it tends to mean it's a good spot.  I said paddocks but it's not fenced just cleared areas and I think it might have been used for sheep from the look of it.  The worst thing is the threat of fire - you'd have to assess it imagining the state forest ablaze behind you.  It's been there a long time tho and it's a sizeable area cleared around it.  The road would probably be difficult when there's lots of rain.  I mean there has to be reasons it doesn't have a bigger price on it but part of that is simply that the house is small.  It has a lovely tall thin chimney.

Anyway so the point is there I am thinking the farmhouse with the lovely water views and 2 acres, 5 minutes by sealed road to town is maybe more than I can handle and suddenly it looks a lot easier.    

It is entirely beyond me but goodness that place has knocked me sideways.  It is idyllic looking.  and part of me is kinda like well you know I could just manage to get up and down the driveway a few times a year in favourable weather.... 

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