Re: Lies, honesty and serious things
Re: Lies, honesty and serious things -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

10/27/2023, 17:08:33
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thanks Lakeshore, yes Aquinas is fun to talk with for all of us isn't she. 

continuing on with the conversation..

"A self-serving liar who convinced us that our minds were the real liars and that he could save us from our lying minds."

I think this might be it - the mechanics of lying.

The angle I have been taking is identity.  Don't really understand but my sense is that without acknowledging your true identity you aren't engaging with the real world anyway.  Over the generations it becomes amazingly complex but the sneaky hiding of real identity behind a fake one has become a way of life.  Maybe lying is the necessary component to make it work.

One little bright spot in all the bad news is we have had a rainstorm which must have done a lot to damp down the fires.  It is very big and bright in my life because it started with lightning.  There was this one lightning clap that everyone round here is talking about because it was so loud they were wondering what it hit and I know it didn't hit anything because it was heading straight for me!!!!!!!  Really, below roof height open door I am sitting inside and its coming straight for me like a sizzling red Z.  I mean the cat didn't know where to hide.  And then Bang, it exploded metres away from me, the noise was very frightening and yet no damage at all, just a highly energised atmosphere in the garden.  wow.  Me and the puss just sat there out in the garden in front of the house for a while.  We must have been sitting right where it had exploded but I don't where my brainz were.

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