Re: Propagation effort versus success rate
Re: Re: Propagation effort versus success rate -- prembio Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

09/15/2023, 18:08:25
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Your recollections are spot on. (Or, thanks for the lousy memories! )

"Exactly with the statistics."

I left out a part. When I pointed out the absurdity of 2 = 8 aspirants to the national statistics coordinator, he said "I know, I know... but that's how HE wants it."

"Did you also go through the period when they started with First Class..."

I knew Elan Vital had a document repository (Knowledge sessions, guidelines, checklists, security, scripts... you name it) and they let everyone know it was available so communities didn't have to "reinvent the wheel." I was on First Class for several years before I left. It got really strange after the Team Trainings when projects were assigned to Teams that communicated via First Class. That's where Mitch Ditkoff scolded me one day with:

(I must've been in my mind or something.)

I use the word "impeccable" a lot because that was the standard for service that was drilled into us. When Valerio feigned contempt for us in the Team Trainings, he threw his arms up in disgust and shouted "Don't you want to be impeccable!!"

"Then there was the period (Still ongoing?) when all of His speeches were classified for pwicks, aspirants and new people."

Definitely. When we ran this thing called the "National Mail Order Library," those were the three categories of all the VHS tapes of Prem's events. We had multiple copies of all of them that we mailed all over the U.S. like a cult version of Netflix.

"Then they had to start searching his speeches for the ones they could specifically target for each new person who attended more than one event."

Yes, with emphasis on each new person! That's what premies in charge of aspirants aspirant coordinators were instructed to do.

Then they had to classify each and every possible hall, facility, centre that could be used for each and every possible event up to and including the Speaker, Himself..."

Yup. That was when they started using "the Speaker and the Principal." I worked with others doing that in Connecticut. We went to all the potential venues and got to see all the best hotel rooms. Premies volunteered to move out of their homes for Prem to stay in them. On top of that, there was a clandestine effort to search the market (all over the U.S.!) for potential residences. We prepared an "impeccable" binder with photographs and detailed descriptions of all the potential properties. It was FUN pretending to be personal representatives of a very wealthy client that we couldn't talk about... the look on the faces of those real estate agents.

"All the pro forma speeches that every person Introducing an event must use and rehearse..."

I slinked away from being an MC (three nights a week for years in just one small community!), but Flying Solo rehearsed many of those scripts.

"...that was the beginning of the end for me just sitting around laughing."

All that happened pretty much in my last few years before it all drove me to my breaking point. As you know, my post about "effort" didn't even scratch the surface.


Modified by lakeshore at Fri, Sep 15, 2023, 18:14:12

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