Re: Deep gratitude
Re: Re: Deep gratitude -- Kelly Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
SuzyQ ®

07/19/2017, 16:56:24
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He talked about death for years, themed events weren't called that then. 
He would just obsess over a subject for a long while, believing he had such a lot to say that was meaningful. 
It is a testimony to hypnosis and brainwash that i cant recall much of what was said about death or after life at all.
I do recall him hammering home the fact that you think you're eternal but you're all gunna die. he smiled a lot about how people squirmed. 
Maybe that is why he kept it up for years, the entertainment was in watching us squirm. 
Once we'd been hammered into insensibility he had to find another topic that would make us uncomfortable as he sneered and laughed at us... cue cheat and deceit, or the failure of human relationships to be of any lasting value.

I did read something he said in a magazine, an interview I think. Someone asked him if he was afraid of dying. He said something to the effect that the power that had taken care of us in the mothers womb, he had no reason to doubt it would continue to look after us after death. 
That was in print so maybe thats how I remember it. No hypnosis involved. It was a fairly sensible response I thought, but as usual giving nothing away about his beliefs on the subject.

I think part of the reason for no specific ideas on this subject as with many is he was/is trying to catch all religions in his net, all beliefs can fit, because he wants to feel like king of the world with people of all religions following him.
His words are general and broad and enough to make you feel inadequate, but with enough hooks where you can hang any hat and still believe in him.
It's a numbers game and an ego boost. Those are his only 2 reasons for doing anything 

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  • So true --- Genny ( Fri, Jul 21, 2017, 21:36:53 ) ( 124 bytes )