Re: no luck
Re: Re: no luck -- auggie55 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Inis ®

06/26/2017, 22:11:00
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I hear you really. And can well imagine what position it does put you in if you hang out with them on an occasion like a barbecue.
Does not mean they are bad people. I was a staunch one when I was in it! And don't consider I was a bad person.
But deluded yes. Fanatical yes. Brainwashed yes. Blind and cut off from my reasoning power yes.

I personally don't see much point in trying to convince a premie still in it, or for that matter anyone involved in a cult of any sort, that they could see things differently.
If time comes for them to question their creed and involvement, then let them inquire.
This image is coming in my mind of a small animal, a mole(?), sticking their little nose out in the open air, and seeing hey there is a whole world out there, smelling fresh and looking green. If I was to put my hand in their hole trying to bring them out, I dont think it would do much good

Way back, after I left, I got a very agressive reaction from a premie. Maybe it was a bit my fault really. We were on the phone, and I asked " are you still in it? "
Maybe not too tactful. He flew off the board!

More recently I did meet once with another premie to see an exhibit he had organized. A beautiful one by the way.
He did not ask me anything. 

We tackled the subject of an influential someone we both knew from the past. Not a premie at all. And it was clear that there too, his positioning was denial, denial denial.

Head in the sand as says SuzyQ

What to do?
At times as human beings , we dont want to be challenged in the comfort of our beliefs
I can recognize I have been there.

I find it a total pain though to be around people in that stage.

Modified by Inis at Mon, Jun 26, 2017, 22:29:35

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