Could This Be Prem's Worst Ever Prediction?
Posted by:
ocker ®

10/07/2009, 21:05:04
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And why doesn't he "get too much of a chance to write these letters"? Cause he's the laziest guru ever known to man?


Prem Rawat (Maharaji) - Divine Light Mission Seal

(303) 623-0280


1 January 1976

Dear premies,

1975 has been a very unique year for us. This year was definitely very constructive for the organization which serves the premies around the world.

The response from the tour of Latin America was quite beautiful especially since this was the first time the premies were able to have a festival in Latin America. Everyone was totally blissed out. My tour then took me to Germany where we had another outstanding festival. Next I went to the South Pacific which was also very beautiful. And, of course, you know about Orlando!

Though the premies who participated in my satsang programs were from different places and from different backgrounds, they shared something very common, something very intimate, something very beautiful among themselves. It really showed me that the premies have a fantastic amount of potential. In 1976, I think we can really use this potential in such a way that would make this year a very successful one. It should tremendously boost the Mission's capacity to be equipped to spread this Knowledge in leaps and bounds. This is the only way we can serve the world, giving everybody the kind of Peace they are looking for.

But before all this can really happen, all the premies will have to truly understand. All the premies will have to first mature, seriously applying themselves to satsang, service and meditation. If we do not apply'ourselves and have the real understanding of who we are and what we are supposed to do, and if we do not really do satsang, service and meditation, I sincerely feel this makes the premies quite incapable of doing my service properly. And that creates an enormous amount of imbalance in a premie's life, because all premies have to do satsang, service and meditation efficiently enough so that it really shows them the practical results of this Knowledge. I feel this balance can be brought about by synchronizing all our efforts through the Active Membership Program. It is so essential that we all get behind our Divine Light Mission communities which are the backbone of this Mission, and which tremendously help me do my job in this world.


Premies, I feel that it is about time that we all get synchronized, because if we don't, your services will be totally unusable by me. You see, we are all part of the same thing.

You know, I don't get too much of a chance to write these letters. In 1976, I will again be touring the world, visiting the United States, Latin America, South Africa, Europe and the Far East.

And so, I really hope you take this letter to heart and really come together for the sake of this drowning world. Then I, through the organization, can help this world, because I tell you this world can sure use it!

I hope you understand my message.

I love you all,


Guru Maharaj Ji


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I think 'International Rescue' could have done a better job Ocker!....
Re: Could This Be Prem's Worst Ever Prediction? -- ocker Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
johnnyboy ®

10/08/2009, 04:54:21
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... and they too are simple mindless puppets (weren't they?)

Maharaj ji reminds me more of 'Gold Member' than 'Thunderbirds'; chaotic, megalomaniacal, self defeating arrogance.  You could at least see the strings of manipulation in Gerry Anderson's characters; Maharaj ji's invisible threads were so designed to induce dependency and suck the anime from his players.

The letter you posted reminds me of an email Ash recieved this morning.  You know the kind;  "From the Solicitor representing 'Fed-Ex' in the Phillipines informing you that, for some inexplicable reason, you have 30 Billion US Dollars waiting to be transferred to your account. You simply have to provide my brother-in-laws wife's cousin with your passport (International only), your Bank details and a small deposit of some 10,000 dollars".

Both writers appear to be so deluded - they actually appear to believe that what they are saying must sound plausible!

It begs the question; who is more deluded, the Ji? or the fake Lawyer?  But the bigger question is how so many people can still be fooled into parting with their money and their efforts to these shysters?

I actually don't feel any shame over my gullibility or my belief in the 'Divine Fart' these many years - imo it was cynically devised by egos to be just that - believable; it's continued success really only required that the guru keep to his script for the duration.

But, of course, Rawat was too stupid to see this; his fellow conspiritors (divine family ji's) saw the dangers immediately but Prem's ego eventually won out and he decided to ignore their pleas and get on with patiently dismantling the empire that his father (Farter - for any Germans listening) so patiently built in his lifetime.

Trouble is as trouble was - his stupidity matched that of the apprentice woodsman who sawed at the branch he was sitting on!  So Rawat's income is dwindling by the day as the word spreads regarding his incompetence, arrogance and ignorance.

The show ends when the 'fatguru' sings!  His 'swansong' will be sweet melody to the ears of many.

Strange how I was always drawn to the bongos when I was in the ashram during satsang.  Now I know why!!

(or is that just 'magical' thinking?)

Kindest - john

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